Website disclaimer

  1. Material on this website is made available primarily for the benefit and information of members of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations Inc (ACC). ABN 73 794 518 715   ARBN 128 001 785 ; Incorporated in NSW INC9887628; Liability of Members is Limited. Registered Office: 7 Sydney Street, Concord NSW 2137; Postal Mail: PO Box 846 Newtown NSW 2042;
  2. Information on this site is maintained by the people delegated by the ACC. Before relying on the material, users should independently verify its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate professional advice.
  3. The material may include, opinions, comment and recommendations which do not necessarily reflect the views of the ACC, or demonstrate its commitment to a particular stance.
  4. Links to other websites are provided to help interested people search conveniently other groups, particularly like-minded organisations, and the inclusion of any link does not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.
  5. ACC may remove material and opinions from time to time without reference back to the primary author.