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Practical and Pastoral – Ted Curnow

Lord’s Supper - A Devotional Order of Service

A devotional liturgy for the Lord's Supper.

Best suited to less formal settings, this order replaces some traditional aspects with more personalised responses.

Ready to use in A5 format - can be printed on 1 A4 page back to back. Compiled by Rev Ted Curnow.

Ministry Showbag

Ted Curnow provides the first bag of ideas for ministry and service.

Seek a Creative Outreach Gift

Ted Curnow explores some creative ways people are reaching out to share the good news.

Tips on Faith Sharing

When sharing faith in the Australian Context we need to be 'as wise as serpents and harmless as doves'. 'Tips on Faith Sharing' will be worth discussing with Elders and other leaders as a helpful awareness raiser.

Tired Christians

Ted Curnow helps us reflect on our true calling and life as followers of Christ.

Equality is about Escape

Ted Curnow reflects on the growing debate about the concept of equality. He asks the question - Is the debate about "marriage equality" really about equality or is it related to a much deeper angst, an anxiousness of not really being at peace with one's self ?

The modern concept of equality grew out of the Reformation insistence on the equality of all people before God. It found its strength in the fact that it was seen as a permanent right because it was derived from something beyond the social, political whim of the day. God’s love was a love that encompassed all and it required equal respect of all people. We may well ask, “How does the strong secular appeal for equality today then differ from the equality that Wilberforce sought for the oppressed slaves of his time”?


The River of Life

Ted Curnow has written this Australian poetic reflection with the chronically ill or the un-cured person in mind and when there are times that normal words seem to run out.

Healing and the Uncured

Ted Curnow discusses God's healing for the uncured. He references several helpful books and illustrates at all times God's grace and love for us.

Celtic Bridges to the Future

Facing Meteoric Change in our contemporary world requires a paradigm change, not just a new model but a new way of thinking. This paper draws on insights from Celtic Christianity that are important for today and includes qestions for discussion. The paper can be read on-line or downloaded in a printable booklet form here.

Infant Baptism Enquiry

Enquiries about Infant Baptism

In this pastoral approach Ted Curnow suggests a way of managing enquiries. It seeks to offer the option of Family Thanksgiving to families who have chosen to remain outside the regular fellowship of the Church and it aims to take the practise of baptism seriously