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Complete Joy

24th October 2013


2 John 12
"I hope to visit you soon and talk with you face to face,
then our joy will be complete"

Nothing can replace our meeting together Sunday by Sunday
to worship God
and to meet our brothers and sisters in Christ
'face to face'.

This is why we should not allow
the demands of this world
to prevent us worshiping together each Sunday.

The value of our meeting together
is not in who is out front,
who is leading worship
or what songs we sing.

Yes, all of our worship is important.
But the focus of our worship
is the promise of Jesus,
to each one of us.
"Where two or three are gathered together in my name
I am in the midst to bless".

These words are not real for us
unless we go to worship
with a real sense of expectation
that Jesus will bless us individually
through the rest of the week.

Bob Imms 13.10.13


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