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Hope does not disappoint

27th March 2010


Romans 5:5
"Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit."

Paul takes us through our human experiences
of tribulation, perseverance and proven character.
All these result in hope.
Then these wonderful words
"hope does not disappoint."
Nor does God.
Here is continual food for thought.

The whole reason for hoping is
because of the "love of God" in us .
This love is not only given to us when we deserve it,
but is "poured out."
God's love is endless.
It never ceases and nothing is held back.

Then, where does God's love find its home?
"in our hearts."
We experience God's love through
our responses to Him
and not because of how
we reason things out or feel.
It can be no other way.
This is how God has planned it
from the beginning.

Bob Imms 14.2.10

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