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Jesus in us

21st May 2014

Seeds For Harvesting 9-13

JOHN 14:20
"You are in me, and I in you."
These words would not make sense to anyone
 who did not know Jesus and love him.
A living faith is needed
for these words to become real for us. 
It is only as we trust the Living Word,
and through that Word
the Father's son and the Holy Spirit
that these words can warm our hearts,
allowing us to 
live in this world without fear.
We need further help
for these words to ring true
in our minds and hearts. 
Jesus said that we need also
the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit
for these words to ring
with joyful warmth in our hearts.
With the consciousness of Jesus' presence
as we live in this world,
these words take on a different perspective.
Jesus said
“you are in me and I in you”.
"Spirit breathing from above,
thou hast taught me it is so."
Bob Imms 18.5.14

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