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Lenten Devotional Series

12th February 2015

Our Friend the Son of God devotional series is prepared by members of congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia. Copyright belongs to contributors. This booklet may be reproduced by congregations for use by Uniting Church members for private devotion and group study. Enquiries to Paul Langkamp: (contact details in booklet).


The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: that is the name of the God whom Christians worship and only from whom all salvation comes.

The Uniting Church’s Basis of Union declares it. It holds the two ancient creeds about God, the Apostles’ and the Nicene, as ‘authoritative statements’ that ‘declare and guard the right understanding of that faith.’

Salvation is of Jesus Christ ‘who acquits the guilty, who gives life to the dead and who brings into life what otherwise could not exist.’ This salvation of Father, Son and Holy Spirit foments life.

To have this salvation, the Basis of Union ‘lays upon members’ the ‘serious duty of reading the scriptures.’ Salvation is known through the Word of God in Scripture. In reading scripture we are guided by God’s Word that we may be obedient to him. In reading scripture we are nourished and regulated so that opening our minds and lives with the expectation of hearing his word, we have joy in our soul and find light to our path. Jesus, Son of God, is our friend indeed.

Lent, preceding Easter, is a season of repentance and reflection. Here we study the coming of God in the man Jesus: the crucifixion reveals what salvation has come and the Easter resurrection gives hope eternal within us.

Learning from the Reformed tradition of private scripture reading in the morning and scripture together in family prayer in the evening, and learning from Wesley’s encouragement to read his notes on the scripture, this booklet presents daily devotionals. Members from congregations across Australia offer their reflections on selected passages followed by prayer. In reading scripture with our hearts open to obedience to Christ we draw near to him in prayer. Salvation is ours, now and always.

Click here to download (60 pages)

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