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You are God’s masterpiece

5th August 2013


EPH 2:10a

"For we are God's masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus."

Have you ever stopped and meditated
on these words, my friends?
I had to stop writing
and allow the deep things
of these words to sink in to me.

I was reminded of the words of the Psalmist:
"you have created him a little lower than God
and filled him with glory and honour."

But before we get carried away
with our own self-importance,
Paul places our feet firmly on the ground.
He reminds us how we were created.

Yes, God did create us as his masterpiece
but sin separated us from our heavenly father
and it took Jesus' death on the cross
and our acceptance of his call
as our Saviour
to put us right with God.

He has "created us anew in Christ Jesus."

Bob Imms 21.7.13


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