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God is Spirit

30th December 2010


John 4:24
"God is Spirit; and those who worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and truth."

Here is clear direction from Jesus about how we should worship God.
not only on Sundays but also day-by-day.

"God is Spirit" is a statement
which we cannot equate to human experience.
This is the Son describing His Father.
God was, and is and always will be "Spirit"
and nothing will change this.
We can commence our Spiritual journey
when we acknowledge that these words of Jesus are true.
We can never fully explain this mystery in human terms
but rather rejoice in a God-given fact.
"Spirit" is eternal because God is eternal.

This statement has meaning for us
when we accept another fact
that there is such a thing as God's "truth".
He is "Spirit and truth".
Only as we accept that God is Spirit
can we accept God's truth and seek to live by it.
Spirit speaks to spirit and we cry "Abba Father".
This experience does not happen
through our reasoning minds
but our believing hearts

Warren Wiersbe writes
"True worship must come from the heart,
and it must be directed by God's truth,
not man's personal ideas".
Our true worship
must be through the Spirit
in the Spirit
and by the Spirit.

Bob Imms 5.12.10


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