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He remembers we are dust

10th May 2010


Ps 103:14
"He knows our frame; He remembers we are dust."

It is good to continually reminds ourselves
that God is easy to live with.
He is not a hard taskmaster.
He does not expect from us more than we are able to give.
He does not place upon our shoulders
loads that are to heavy to bear.

God "knows our frame."
and so He should, for He has created us,
and knows our capabilities even better than we do.

It also means that He knows us
not only from the way we look on the outside
but how we think, and feel inwardly:
How we spiritually respond to Him.

Just to make sure that we do not run away
with a feeling of self importance
the Word reminds us that "we are dust."
God would have us see ourselves in the light of His glory
rather than in our dustiness.
That is why He sent His Son.

We must continually hold in tension that "We are dust,"
yet at the same time we can proclaim with the Psalmist;

"What is man that you are mindful of him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honour."

Bob Imms 9.5.10

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