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I Will Answer

15th April 2013


Isaiah 65:24
"Before they call I will answer. While they are still speaking I will answer".

Here is God's promise to us.
How often we place our reasoning,
thinking and plans
before we give God a chance
to share His plans for us.

So often we think that
we are the initiator
and God only responds to our asking.
but God knows our needs
even before we ask.

The wonder of it all is
that He tailors our needs
to his plan for us,
and that's how he answers our needs.
Jesus says, "Ask and you shall receive".

To help us understand
what Jesus is saying
the emphasis must be on the receiving
and not the asking we do,
because the receiving is from God.
"Every good and perfect gift
comes from God".

We shall never plumb the depths
of God's giving.

Bob Imms 14.4.13


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