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Teach Me

18th October 2010


Psalm 25:4-5
"Teach me Thy paths.
Lead me in Thy truth and teach me."

How willing are we to be taught by God?
The cry of the Psalmist is repeated twice, "teach me."
And so should this be our deepest, heart-felt cry.

How open are we to God's truth?
Is there such a thing as God's truth?
The reason why we can actually believe
that God imparts to us His truth
is because Jesus names the third person
of the God-head
as the bearer of His truth.
"He (God) will give you another Helper...
the Spirit of truth...
He will be in you...He will guide you into all the truth."

How important it is that we open our hearts,
and then our minds, to this truth.
That we become receptive to the Holy Spirit.
That we become teachable, and malleable, to His guidance.
Paul says that this is how we can
"stand firm against the schemes of the devil."
He says, "having girded your loins with truth."
Jesus says that the only way
we can become His disciples is
"you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

What a wonderful joy it is to know
that God is always present
to"teach me Thy paths"
and the Holy Spirit
to teach us God's truth.

Bob Imms 17.10.10

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