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The Lord has really risen

2nd April 2010


Luke 24:34
"The Lord has really risen."

This is more than an event
in the history of the human race.
It was a pivotal point for the early disciples and us.
If Jesus was still in the tomb on that Sunday,
all generations thereafter would be lost to God.
He would not let that happen.

So for the first disciples
"the Lord has risen,"
was not just a pivotal point in history,
it turned their world upside down,
The cream then began to rise to the top.
Jesus' three years of teaching, all His miracles and parables,
and much more, meant that the began to shine with new light.

We could fill books with
what Jesus Christ means to us,
because He is alive and the risen Lord.

Easters roll by year after year.
For some it is just a long-weekend holiday
in our calendar year.
As Christians, Resurrection Sunday changes Easter
from just an event into a time
of great and deep rejoicing.

We sing
"He lives, all glory to His name;
He lives, my Saviour, still the same;
What joy that blest assurance gives,
I know, that my Redeemer lives."

Bob Imms 4.4.10


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